We have developed custom software for designing on-site septic systems.

This software has been undergoing refinement, updates, and improvements
since 1988. To a large degree this has been accomplished through
incorporation of setup and testing data from actual installations over the last
22 years (See also, "experience").

This software save in construction costs by easily allowing optimization the
combination of of the pump and piping components. One case in point, we
had the opportunity to redsign a residential system in Jefferson County.
Utilizing the optimization available through this software, we were able to
reduce the cost of the system by $8,000 (in comparison to bids recieved on
a previous design by another firm).

Optimization of the combination of pump and pipe also saves on long term
Operation & Maintenance costs. This is accomplished by being able to easily
run "what if" scenarios on the pump/pipe combinations to determine the most
cost effective pump while attaining the desired "scouring velocity" in the
piping. Maintaining proper scouring velocity dramatically reduces the amount
of larger organic growth developing on the pipe sidewalls and ultimately
washing to the drainfield where it can clog the distribution orifices. This
clogging caused uneven distribution of the efflueunt which can lead to
premature failure of the system.